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What is Trademark ?

A trademark is a visual symbol, which may be a word, name, device, label or numerals used by a business to distinguish it goods or services from other similar goods or services originating from a different business. A registered trademark is an intangible asset or intellectual property for a business and is used to protect the company's investment in the brand or symbol. A trademark is registered if it is distinctive for the goods and services you provide. Proposed trademarks that are similar or identical to an existing registered trademark cannot be registered. Also, trademarks are not registered if it is offensive, generic, deceptive, not distinctive, contains specially protected emblems, etc.,
Trademarks in India are registered by the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Trademarks are registered under the Trademark Act, 1999 and provide the trademark owner with a right to sue for damages when infringements of trademarks occur. Once a trademark is registered, R symbol can be used and the registration will be valid for 10 years. Registered trademarks nearing expiry can be easily renewed by filing a trademark renewal application for a period of another 10 years.

Trademark is the visual form which is usually taken as Logo of a Company. A logo is designed through a Graphic Designer or any Photoshop maker but one should follow the strict guidelines before designing a logo.  A company must carry a research through trademark agent to verify the similarity of the trademark. These agents check the trademark office to ensure the credibility of the trademark or never registered by some other company. This verification can be done through any mode I.e., online verification & offline verification. One may adopt both the procedures to double ensure the accuracy and uniqueness. 

Once trademark verified through trusted resources, Company may work further. In the case of duplicity, it needs to get it re-design again and will have to conduct the same research again till exclusive trademark found. Once uniqueness achieved, Company or representative must require drafting an application along with the requisite documents. After filing an application, the company may use ‘™’ till the approval received. 

Once the application reached to Trademark office, they will check the data to avoid duplicacy. In the case of duplicate application, last application can be rejected. Otherwise, the mentioned trademark will be published in Trademarks Journal for 4 months to check any voice raised against the said trademark. If anyone creates objection, Trademark will be in issue for hearings till the issue get resolved. Once all the clarifications received from legal sides, Trademark can be sent for registration and will be approved within 6 months. Application status can be checked or reviewed online through application number assigned to the trademark owner. 

Trademark being an intellectual property and intangible asset holds an important place in business for at least 10 years which is to be renewed after 10 years. A company may renew the same trademark or can apply for the new trademark while following the same process mentioned above.

When can a Trademark not be registered? 

    Trademark supposed to be an asset of a company. So a trademark similar or copied from other organization will not be registered.  so it should not be similar or copied from other companies. Apart from this, a trademark which is illusory, offensive, identical, containing prohibited elements etc. Can not be registered by the Law. 

Why to register a Trademark? 

    Being an important asset, it needs to be registered to restrict the other business owners to use your own business identity. It protects the company rights or Investments which it had invested in a Brand or Logo. An example can be highlighted with the help of giant companies like siemens, Apple, Pepsi and Coca-Cola belonging to same industry yet signifying separate brand. Likewise, we can find numerous examples of live companies bearing trademark as a brand like LG, Godrej etc. Trademark, as a business identity, distinguish a company with other companies a brand. Once registered, company get recognition by trademark, along with the business name. Trademark serves a badge, brand, quality, loyalty, goodwill statement, 



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How to register a Trademark? 

Registering a trademark does not consist complicated procedures, just to follow the simple procedures. Trademarks are registered under the trademark act, 1999 by the controller general of patents design and trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India to sue the other traders in case of infringements of company trademarks.

Who can apply for registration of Trademark? 

Any individual, proprietor, company, partnership firm, a legal entity can apply for the registration of the trademark and can use symbol ‘TM’ till the registration is approved. Once trademark gets registered, the company may start using ® after getting certification. The whole process may take up to 2 year or 18-24 months. Registered trademark is valid for 10 years which needs to be renewed later.
A trademark is a guarantee of service, products, quality, and advertisement. So should be taken care of misusing the same. Trademark should not be similar to others